Keeping your cash flow in a healthy condition

Here, we look at how to engage with customers to ensure payment terms are stuck to.

With the amount owed to businesses in late payments standing at £46.1 billion, the issue of managing a healthy cash flow and enforcing credit control is a significant one. The situation is also worsening – in 2008 the amount owed in late payments was £18.6 billion, less than half what is owed today, so there is a real need to take action.

Small businesses are highly dependent on healthy cash flow and the consequences of late payment can have a huge impact, and in extreme cases lead to insolvency. Even in less severe cases the effect can be costly. A government paper revealed that small businesses spend on average 130 hours a week chasing late payments, which equates to an average cost of £1,500 per business. It also reported that 34 per cent of companies have used external finance to cover gaps in cash flow caused by late payment, leading to £180 million in debt interest charges.

Here are some key tips to ease the cash flow pain:

1. Create a clear credit control strategy – Implementing a simple credit control process does not need to be complicated and can ensure payment is on time, every time. A structured approach that sets out a day-by-day strategy can help reduce the threat of late payment.

2. Know the customers – It is becoming increasingly important to run credit checks on all new customers before offering credit terms. A simple credit check can be run online in a matter of minutes but could save much more valuable time, and money, in the future. This should be an ongoing process as even the most reliable payers can have a change in circumstances.

3. Agree clear payment terms – Make sure the payment terms are clear and consistent, and be upfront with customers about any late payment charges to save disputes further down the line. Think about including payment terms on statements, invoices and in the terms and conditions of business.

4. Invoice quickly and accurately – Make sure invoices are sent on time. This is a simple step that many businesses fail to take. E-invoicing can speed up the invoice issuing process as well as provide a record that it has been sent. Equally as important is making sure that the invoice information is 100 per cent accurate as any mistakes can delay payment.

5. Make it easy for people to pay – Everyone prefers a simple and straightforward process, so ensure that customer payments can be made easily, and preferably online or by direct debit. Where possible avoid the use of cheques which can delay processing.

Greg Ford, managing director of Exchequer, says, ‘Late payment is an all too common occurrence in business, and is one that needs to be tackled. SMEs are particularly vulnerable to the damage that can be caused by late payment and its impact can reach far beyond denting the company’s bottom line.’

Invoice finance can ease the cash flow pressure. Click here to read more about this method.

Further reading on cashflow management for small business owners

> How to stop late payers causing a cashflow crisis

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Managing Cashflow

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