How are London businesses leading the way in smarter working?

Business leaders in the capital let their staff spend the most time working out of the office during an average week, research finds.

A total of three hours and 31 minutes is allowed in the Big Smoke, compared to the UK average of two hours and 34 minutes.

The survey of 2,000 working professionals from Powwownow finds that young people, many of whom are graduates with sought-after skills such as digital and cybersecurity expertise, are the most likely to consider flexible working a main attraction of a new job, with three quarters (76 per cent) agreeing.

Furthermore, while young people in London (18-24 year olds) are the most likely to want flexible working (85 per cetn), they are the least likely to be offered it by businesses.

More than half of young people (53 per cent) are not proactively offered flexible working, compared to just a third (33 per cent) of 35-44 year olds who also have to ask for it.

Nearly two thirds (60 per cent) of employees think that being offered flexible working would enable them to work smarter and be more productive, while over half of all people surveyed (53 per cent) think flexible working would help positively impact their relationship with colleagues.

Longest commutes

Those working in London have the longest commutes in the UK, at an average of one hour 16 minutes per journey. The quickest commutes in the UK are enjoyed by the Welsh, who take an average of 57 minutes to commute back and forth to work.

Jason Downes, managing director of Powwownow says, ‘Companies in the UK are beginning to wake up to the fact that the brightest British talent expects different things from their employers compared to ten years ago – namely flexible working and being graded on output not time spent in the office.

‘With technology so readily available, there is little other than tradition in the way of offering all employees flexible working. Although London is currently reacting to this change at the fastest pace, it will no doubt only be a matter of time before the rest of the UK comes to embrace this same approach to smarter working.’

Further reading on flexible working

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel was the editor of from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

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