
Four Day Week

Articles and news on companies that have been introducing the 4-day working week arrangement to their organisations.


Four-day work week found to boost revenue

A six-month experiment of a four-day work week was found to be successful by nine in ten participating companies, boosting revenue and decreasing staff turnover for many.

Employing & managing staff

Third of companies say four-day week inevitable within 10 years

34% of businesses expect four-day week to become a reality in next ten years, but only 1 per cent plan to implement it without cutting pay


Most firms would keep 4-day week after trial period

A mid-term survey of firms trialling the four-day work week reveals that the majority believe the pilot is going well


Would you dare put your firm on a 4-day work week?

UK businesses are joining a four-day work week pilot scheme to test out conditions and productivity. Find out how to register your interest

Business management

Four-day week – how it could boost your small business

As the debate heats up again, we explore the good and bad in the 4-day working week – and chat to businesses who have trialled it themselves

Business management

What small businesses think of the four-day working week

Labour has pledged to make a four-day working week the norm within ten years. We asked small business owners what they think of the idea.

Productivity Zone

Is a four day working week really a boon for productivity and staff wellbeing?

A UK PR company claims to be among the first businesses to implement a four day working week without cutting staff pay. But is this really the wave of the future for small businesses?


UK workers crying out for a four-day working week

UK workers crying out for a four-day working week as a third admit they are unproductive for two hours every day.


Workers would choose three-day weekend

The majority of UK employees would be prepared to lose a day's pay to enjoy a three-day weekend, research finds.

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Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

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5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats