
Side Business


Escaping the nine to five: can I turn my passion into a business?

Mattel, Harley Davidson and Disney all started out as side hustles. How can you turn your passion project into a business and escape your day job?


How much tax will I pay if I run a side business?

Chris Barwick of Sheards Accountants answers a reader question on the amount of tax you need to pay if you have a side business.

Business management

Top ten legal ways to earn extra money

Earning a little extra money on the side of your main business can be incredibly beneficial to owners - here is how you do it.


Side businesses generate over £40bn a year to the UK economy

More than a quarter of Brits in full-time employment are earning money outside of their 9-to-5 – a total of over six million people, a new study reveals.


Starting a business on the side a popular choice in UK

Would-be entrepreneurs seek to mitigate the risk of going it alone by launching their new company while still in employment, research finds.

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats