Business Technology

There’s no such thing as a free website 

Every small business today needs a great website. A website is the voice and face of your business so it's important to get it right.


Would-be business owners look to high street

Britain's high streets could soon be invigorated by a new wave of entrepreneurs, according to a study.


SME workers prefer impersonal communication

Face-to-face communication is being neglected in favour of phone calls and emails among business staff, research finds.

Business management

A tailored night out

Nick Telson co founded, an online service that helps users plan their evening's entertainment, with a university friend in 2009. He talks to about starting up.


Small businesses collaborate with competitors

The key to helping business growth could be working with competitors, according to a survey of UK small and medium-sized enterprises.


How effective is the NIC holiday?

The Federation of Small Businesses is calling for the government (again) to review its National Insurance Contributions holiday to allow more operators to take on staff.


Going with your gut

Sometimes, small business owners have no choice but to make a decision based purely on feel.

Business Technology

Cybersecurity for small businesses

Cybersecurity is changing fast, and small business owners need to keep abreast of developments. Kevin Dowd, CEO of network security firm CNS gives some tips on how.


Can I reclaim 100 per cent VAT on the lease hire of a vehicle?

If a leased company car is not left at the premises of the company for security purposes overnight, can I reclaim 100 per cent VAT rather than the cap of 50 per cent on the lease hire of the vehicle? Does 50 per cent VAT reclaimable apply to the purchase of fuel?

Business Ideas & Planning

Why I started a business: Tech entrepreneur Sohail Rashid talks to Sohail Rashid, founder of venture capital-backed property finding app Property Place, which launched in January 2012.


Merchandise and product licensing for small businesses

Kelvyn Gardner, managing director of the International Licensing Industry Merchandisers Association, explains how licensing can work for small businesses.

Business Technology

Making your website mobile-compatible

Mark Boniface, project director at digital agency Jellyfish, gives some tips on producing a user-friendly website for mobile devices.