
Female entrepreneurship on the rise

The number of women running businesses should accelerate by 100,000 over the next ten years, business community network Everywoman says.


Managers show favouritism towards staff members

Research has given insight into employer bias in the workplace, with the key reasons being work ethic, loyalty, personality, and humour.


Tips for Search Engine Optimisation

Faith Evans, Head of Website Production at BT Business, explains how search engine optimisation can get you to the top of Google.


FPB: Let’s protect SME patent rights

The Forum of Private Business is calling for small businesses' patent rights to be better protected amid concerns that many cannot afford to sue companies which steal their ideas.

Business management

Prepare for the ageing workforce

Dennis Turner, chief economist of HSBC, discusses the implications of an ageing workforce on business growth and the need for workforce planning.

Investing in a franchise

I would like to buy a franchise but don’t know where to start. Have you any advice?

Reader's Question: I am considering investing or buying a franchise but i am not sure where to start. Have you any advice for me?


Social media influentual in reputation management

Three quarters of consumers who heard about a bad customer experience via social media stopped doing business with the offending company, research finds.


Business owners wearing too many hats

Business owners in the UK are spreading themselves too thinly by taking on too many different roles within their own company.


Tips for Search Engine Optimisation – Do Your Research

Faith Evans, Head of Website Production at BT Business, explains how search engine optimisation can get you to the top of Google.

Business Ideas & Planning

Business plan advice

Dr Simon Mosey, head of Institute for Enterprise and Innovation at Nottingham University Business School, offers some business planning wisdom for readers.

Government Grants

Grants in Scotland

Louise Guinda, founder of baby product company, received help from Business Gateway and Scottish Enterprise.


How can I choose the best value PR campaign for my startup?

Good public relations can help a small business get its message out to the right audience. A few simple tips may help to get the press writing about you and in a good way