Work life balance

Changes in paternity leave laws allow mother to transfer some of her paid maternity leave

Changes in paternity laws this April will allow a mother to transfer three months of her paid maternity leave to the father. Here we ask female entrepreneurs how the new legislation will affect their businesses.

Small Business Banking

Seeking finance for a business with a bad credit rating

I have a bad credit rating because one of my customers went under and put us in debt. Is there anything we can do to get a bank loan?

Business Ideas & Planning

10 point guide to creating a successful business plan

Setting out a plan for your business can seem like a daunting task, especially before you've even got it off the ground. This 10-point guide shows the benefits of a good business plan and what to consider when writing one.

Business management

Kids’ artwork brand Belle & Boo a high street success

Kate Caines co-founded kids artwork brand Belle & Boo two years ago. Now the product is stocked in high street shops, with the likes of Jools Oliver and Claudia Schiffer both fans, proving that her business model is more than just child's play.

Business management

A fairy tale investment story

Colin Wilkinson co-founded Three Sixty Entertainment at the beginning of this year and raised £2.75 million for his show Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, ending a fairy tale investment story

Employing & managing staff

How to Build a Team – Lessons from Jamie’s Kitchen

This short video provides a useful insight into building a team with chef Jamie Oliver.

Government Grants

EU grants

Are there any EU grants available for starting a business?

Business management

Would you fire Alan Sugar?

Lord Sugar's description of small businesses that have been denied finance as 'moaners who live in Disney World' has led the Federation of Small Businesses to call for his resignation as business tsar. Here we ask entrepreneurs: is Alan Sugar the right man for the job?

Small Business Insurance

Business continuity in a flash

Fires, floods and flu get all the headlines, but it's the less obvious perils that bring down the majority of businesses. Here we look at ways to prevent your company becoming a lightning rod for disaster.

Small Business Insurance

Insuring your business against disaster

Fail to get the right insurance and your business could go up in smoke. Read our guide on which cover you can and can't afford not to have.

Work life balance

Paternity leave proposals unattractive for fathers

Fathers will not take up the new paternity leave entitlement set out by the government, claims the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


Chasing debt

I invoiced a client three months ago and have been chasing payment since. I'm not getting anywhere, so what should I do?