
Improve your credit management system

Small businesses are leaving it too late to take action over cash flow problems, according to the Better Payment Practice Group (BPPG).

Office & home working

How to project a professional image when working from home

Setting up office at home is a good way to begin to experience what it is like starting a business. It will give you an idea of the costs and equipment required.


Small businesses feel threatened by more employment legislation

Small business organisation the Forum of Private Businesses (FPB) has condemned the proposed review of employment laws announced by Trade & Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt.


The Golden Rules for internet advertising

Advertisers hoping to exploit the internet more effectively should pay close attention to the Five Golden Rules for Internet Advertising, a guide recently produced by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).


Direct marketing moves towards “aspiring” audience

A shift is taking place in the direct marketing world that has direct implications for SMEs.

Business Technology

Campaign to save the cookie

Small media companies operating websites would have to restrict or abandon cookies, a widely used web advertising and e-commerce tool, if proposed legislation from the European Union is implemented.


New rules for businesses to get paid on time

With the European Directive on late payments coming into effect in less than three months, the Forum of Private Business is advising small businesses to revise their terms of trade now to reap the benefits.


Training can boost turnover

Small businesses that offer staff training are more likely to improve their business performance according to a major new survey conducted by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB).


SMEs failing to comply with Data Protection Act

The majority of small companies that operate websites are exhibiting low levels of compliance with the Data Protection Act that came into effect in October 2001. And even those that show high levels of compliance are doing so "more by accident than design."


PAYE online for free

A free online service allows employers to complete Pay As You Earn (PAYE) forms and returns and send them to the Inland Revenue via the internet.

Legal advice

Holiday pay for sick workers worries employers

A recent employment appeal tribunal ruling on holiday pay for employees on long-term sick leave could have serious implications for small businesses by potentially driving up costs.

Legal advice

Set out clear guidelines for dealing with problem employees

Whilst running a business you may come across difficult employees. When you do it is essential to have an internal disciplinary procedure in place to deal with the problem and so avoid being taken to a tribunal, says employment consultant Jim Brown.