Finding and selling to customers

Seven benefits of giving out free samples

Here are some ways in which giving away free samples and tidbits of your company offering can reap rewards.

Business Ideas & Planning

Does registering my company name give me trade mark protection?

I’ve just set up a business and registered it at Companies House. Does that give me protection and prevent anyone else from using my business name?


Five self-assessment tax return tips to follow

Bobby Chadha, resident accounting expert at Intuit, gives his top five tips for small businesses preparing to fill in their self-assessment tax return.


How to produce great web content

You don't have to be a professional wordsmith to create compelling content on your website. Abby Hardoon, managing director of Daily Internet, gives some pointers for memorable material.

Export & Import

10 tips to compliance when trading overseas

James White Drinks, which exports all over the world, gives insight into the main compliance issues when trading overseas.

Export & Import

How to appoint an overseas distributor

Presenting some key advice from logistics consultancy Reneport for what you should look for in a distributor you can trust.

Finding and selling to customers

Top reasons why people leave a business website

Abby Hardoon presents five ways to guarantee you will turn off potential customers from your website offering.

Employing & managing staff

How to manage smoke breaks at work

Many employers are feeling the wrath of non-smokers who object to their nicotine-addicted colleagues taking extra breaks to satisfy their habit during the working day.

Startup Funding and Grants

Securing funding for a small business

From family and friends to business loans, we explore the avenues to consider when you are looking to secure funding for your small business.

Business management

Helping small businesses in developing communities

Here's how brewing and beverage company SABMiller is thinking creatively to give opportunities to small businesses in all corners of the world.

Business management

Small businesses and managing stress: The holistic approach

Why it's beneficial to incorporate a stress management plan into your company's ethos.


Small business guide to VAT

Business software provider Sage gives instructions on negotiating VAT for companies around the qualifying threshold.