
Adam was Editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2006 to 2008 and prior to that was staff writer on sister publication BusinessXL Magazine.

Finding and selling to customers

How to ask for business

Many of us are nervous about asking for business but the truth is that if we don't ask then it will go to someone else. It is often the reputation that pushy sales people have that puts the whole process in a bad light. These tips from SmallBusiness.co.uk should help to point you in the right direction.


Getting started with permission marketing

Permission marketing allows you to develop lasting, profitable relationships with your customers and prospects, at a fraction of the cost of mass marketing techniques.

Business Ideas & Planning

Registering in the UK, living in France

I need to know if it is possible to have a business registered in the UK with a UK address but the owners lives in France. All taxes would be paid in the UK and the business would only have UK operations but our residential address is French.

Business management

Lessons Learned – Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, founder, The Black Farmer

Three years ago Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones launched his food brand 'The Black Farmer', daring to take on the big stores and their own labels dominating the market at the time.

Small Business Banking

Why should I use a business bank account?

My wife and I want to start a boarding kennels business. There are a wide range of business bank accounts available but why use one when all it seems to do is cost money. Why won't an ordinary account do?

Alternative finance

Factoring: Get your funding to work harder

More and more owner-managers are recognising that significant time savings can be made if they outsource this element of their operations to factoring specialists, says Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance.

Business management

Make your office more environmentally responsible and save money

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, small and medium-sized businesses are always on the look out for opportunities to cut operating costs. SmallBusiness.co.uk offers a number of simple operational changes that can not only ensure your business is more environmentally sound but also save you money.


Data protection is largely common sense

Many small and medium-sized businesses can take common sense measures to ensure that they keep up with all data protection and customer security rules and regulations.

Employing & managing staff

Guide to Apprenticeships

In a recent survey conducted amongst members of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), 31.8 per cent reported experiencing skill shortages amongst their current staff, in managerial, advanced IT, technical and sales and marketing roles. So what's to be done? SmallBusiness.co.uk teamed up with the FSB to give you this guide to apprenticeships.


Entrepreneurs rely on family support

Family support plays a crucial role in small businesses in the UK, according to a new report.


Wedge card to benefit businesses and consumers alike

A new benefit loyalty card for small businesses has been launched by the founder of the Big Issue, John Bird.

Business management

How to reduce your business overhead costs

Increasing the turnover of your business is not always enough to improve your profit margins. Cost control and reduction of overheads play an important part in managing the margins of small businesses.