
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


UK sick leave numbers hit critical

Employers have to make their workers' happiness a higher priority to stop the UK heading the European sick leave table, it has been claimed

Office & home working

How to re-energise a disengaged employee

Here, we look at what employers can do to turn around employee disinterest before it reaches a destructive level.

Business Ideas & Planning

The actual statistics of small business success

Here, we look at what common success rate stats mean and how they should be interpreted if you want to start your own company.

Finding and selling to customers

Why vouchers are a great idea for a small business

Here, we speak to three companies about their use of vouchers and how it benefited their business.

Business management

4 ways to keep calm in a crisis

Owning your own company can be a stressful business.

Office & home working

Work place injuries: what you need to know

In 2014/15 there were 76,000 injuries to employees reported, this is compared to 78,671 in the previous year.


Businesses fall foul of forgotten, as well as late, payments

Nearly half of all debts owed to businesses are as a result of forgotten or late payments, rather than more expected reasons such as customers not having the means to pay, research finds.


Company owners in the dark about business rate changes

More than a third of business owners are unfamiliar with the business rates changes put in place by the government.


How businesses should navigate changes to internet security

UK businesses could find themselves locked out of secure payment websites if they don’t act to accommodate changes caused by a new and more sophisticated level of internet security.


Brexporting: From price points to pallet delivery 

How might a Brexit affect your logistical operations and international trade? Here, we look at some considerations for SMEs.

Legal advice

The implications of drink driving and needing a licence for work 

Here, we give advice on the course of action to take if you get caught drink driving.

Employing & managing staff

Free mental healthcare screening advocated for the workplace

Some 60 per cent of people living with mental ill health agree that employers should offer free screening for depression in the workplace.