
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


Fewer government-backed loans granted for SMEs

The Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) scheme is not reaching or supporting many businesses, with the number of SMEs receiving finance through the scheme dwindling year on year since 2009, research finds.

Business Technology

What is the best RAM for your system?

Here, we look at the speed and capacity improvement options for a small business owner's setup.


Northern companies unsure of Northern Powerhouse initiative

Some 70 per cent of small businesses in the North don't believe the government will create a 'Northern Powerhouse'.


How to start and finance a business

David Taylor speaks to two different companies about starting up and funding their project.


Negotiation is the key to slashing small business bills 

The power of negotiation cut the bills of Britain's small businesses by £511 million in the past year, research finds.

Business Ideas & Planning

The benefits of running a small hotel business

Boutique hotel owner Peter O’Sullivan explains some of the benefits of going it alone and starting a smaller, independent hotel.


Less than a quarter of youngsters aged 15-18 interested in starting their own business

Research has highlighted the challenges the UK must overcome to safeguard the next generation of entrepreneurs.


Two out of five small companies support Brexit

A large percentage of business owners would vote 'leave' in the upcoming EU referendum, a study shows.


The benefits of promotional products for small businesses 

One of the oldest and most effective marketing strategies is still in use today, and that's promotional product marketing.


Budget 2016: Reflection from business owners

Company owners and financiers have weighed in on the Chancellor's announcement, with views ranging from a 'missed opportunity' to 'an excellent outcome for entrepreneurs'.


Budget 2016: Business rates shakeup to benefit small businesses

George Osborne has announced that some 600,000 small businesses will be taken out of business rates from next year.

Employing & managing staff

National Apprenticeship Week: A call to action for SMEs

Halfway through National Apprenticeship Week, Tracy Ewen discusses the factors to consider for a small business thinking of an apprenticeship programme.