
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


Is internet speak hijacking our business language?

Here, Gavin Hammar discusses how modern ways of communicating have affected the world of business, and how you can adapt.


Future economy of UK predicted to be dominated by more senior workers

Legions of skilled, experienced and flexible grey go-getters will be driving the nation's economy come 2025, research finds.


Is the current UK climate strong enough to support business growth?

Here, we talk about the driver of economic growth in the UK, whether or not the UK will be raising its rate any time soon, and whether or not now is a good climate for UK businesses big and small.

Business Ideas & Planning

Navigating the formative stages of a business

Here, we interview two small companies about starting up, the challenges they faced and how they survived the first year.


Creating professional business documents in 11 quick steps

Here's how to punch above your weight with your printed documents.

Business management

Away day suggestions your team will appreciate

Here are some bonding and morale-boosting ideas to invigorate your staff.


Businesses urged to pay VAT on time

Tax expert RSM is advising businesses to pay their VAT on time after a tax tribunal ruled that a six figure fine imposed for missing a VAT payment by one day was 'proportionate'.


Freelancers and smallest companies getting hit in the pocket 

The UK's freelancers and micro-businesses only get paid for two-thirds (69 per cent) of the work they should be paid for.


How car leasing works

Car leasing is a way to drive around in a reasonably new car for a fixed monthly sum but without the burden of ownership. Here's more info.

Office & home working

Maintaining motivation and brand ethos, 100 miles from the office

Michael Hammond explains how he manages communication in his company when on the move.


Consumers frustrated with in-store experience

Some 71 per cent of shoppers feel they know more about the products and services in-store than the shop associate.


Employees sceptical about time off spent by colleagues 

One in five British workers are sceptical about colleagues who take time off as a result of mental health issues such as depression, stress or anxiety, research finds.