
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Employing & managing staff

Part-time employee sick pay entitlements

What are the sick leave entitlements for a part-time employee who has been signed off work due to back problems?

Business Ideas & Planning

How to make a business idea happen

If you've got a great idea for an invention, now could be the ideal time to take the plunge. Read our guide on how to make a new business idea a reality.

Business management

Paying for business equipment on a budget

What is the best way to pay for equipment for my business when on a budget?

Finding and selling to customers

How to maximise Christmas sales

Analysts are predicting another bleak Christmas on the high street, while online sales continue to grow. Here we speak to entrepreneurs and experts about the best way to maximise Yuletide sales.

Government Grants

Grants: your questions answered

Getting your hands on free funding can be a tricky business. Here we answer your most frequently asked questions about accessing grants.


Entrepreneurs in business for more than the money

Contrary to popular opinion, people set up in business to improve their quality of life rather than make their millions.

Business Ideas & Planning

EU citizen

What are the requirements for a European citizen to start a small business in the UK?

Business management

Rising Star: Kay Russell

Kay Russell emerged from the Dragons’ Den with £100,000 and the backing of Deborah Meaden, having won the fiery entrepreneur over with her reusable cooling bandages Physicool.

Business management

Rising Star: Neil Holland

Neil Holland decided to take his bespoke Formula 1 simulator to the road and is on track to race the business into poll position.

Finding and selling to customers

The benefits of a joint venture

Even Simon Cowell and Sir Philip Green are seeing the benefits of a joint venture.


CBI: Recession changing working arrangements

Employers are changing how they organise their workforce in light of the recession, new research from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) suggests.

Success stories

Rising star: Jo Young on starting her Urban Sprawl sofa covers business

It's brave to start a business, but even braver to ditch it in favour of something else. Jo Young did just that and has turned her sofa throw company, Urban Sprawl, into a spreading success.