
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Business management

Success rate for UK small business

What is the percentage of success of small businesses in UK? What are the reasons for successes and failures?

Office & home working

Running a catering business from home

I'm considering running a small catering business from my home. Are there rules and regulations which I have to meet?

Startup Funding and Grants

Sources of funding to open a restaurant

Could you give information on getting a loan? I run a successful pizza takeaway business and am now seeking funds to open a restaurant.

Business Ideas & Planning

Opening a village shop

I am looking for advice on starting up a village shop in my own premises. I have already made enquiries about re-opening the sub post-office which closed some months ago.

Employing & managing staff

Guide to sacking an employee

Like it or not, there may come a time when you have to dismiss an employee and this guide shows you the best and most painless way of accomplishing this unpleasant task.

Business Ideas & Planning

Guide to the first steps

There's a lot of issues to consider when starting up for the first time and this short guide will help clarify what those are.


SMEs urged to report competitors

Anti-competitive practices are damaging the UK's small businesses and the Office of Fair Trading is calling for them to fight back.


Dealing with tax and VAT

Small businesses are often tempted to 'go it alone' rather than seek professional help with their accounts – usually this is a cost-saving exercise, but can be a false economy in the long run.


Office time-wasting hits new high

British workers waste up to 12 weeks a year, surfing the net, texting friends, sending personal emails, and even looking for new jobs; all while they should be working.

Finding and selling to customers

How to win business

The first step in gaining sales is to plan and organise.


Are you a bully boss?

A campaign to stamp out bullying in the workplace has been launched by private sector union Amicus, which is asking managers to take a good look at themselves.


Celebrate your training success

Businesses proud of their training and staff development programmes are being invited to enter the 2005 National Training Awards.