
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Employing & managing staff

Do I need to pay more to staff who work unsociable hours?

We are about to trade around the clock, 24 hours in some cases. Do we need to pay extra for employees who work unsocial hours?

Employing & managing staff

Six HR mistakes start-ups make and how to avoid them

Making staffing mistakes as a small business on a tight budget can be fatal. Here are the common ones and how not to fall foul of them


Buying a car through your business

If I bought my car for £7,000 + VAT and use it 50/50 for business and personal use. How much can I claim back? I’m so confused.

Business management

A guide to car leasing for small businesses

In this piece, we look at how leasing your business vehicles can help save money.

Business Ideas & Planning

Opening a restaurant: The key ingredients to start-up success

In this piece, we discuss the most important steps to making your food business dream a reality.

Government Grants

How to get a business grant from the council

Since Brexit, the number of business grants offered by local authorities - many of them funded by the European Union - have dried up. We list council business grants still available for your small business

Business management

Three tips on growing your restaurant business

Here, recognised chef Richard Irvine gives some pointers on how to improve your restaurant business.

Business Ideas & Planning

What to know before starting your own cleaning business

We give some pointers on starting your own business in the cleaning sector, including costs, insurance and building your customer base

Business Ideas & Planning

Starting a subsidiary company

What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting up a new company compared to establishing a subsidiary of your existing company?

Business Ideas & Planning

Top five online businesses you can start today

Ground-breaking companies have been founded in garages, dorm rooms and home offices. Here are five online business ideas for inspiration


Top social media tips for small businesses

Achieving social media success as a small business requires knowledge of the right platforms, a comprehensive strategy, and persistence. Here, we reveal social media tips to help you succeed

Employing & managing staff

Tips for staying cool in the office

As the heat continues to leave the UK scorching, Londonoffices.com have compiled a list of ways to keep cool in the office