
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


How I started and grew my architecture business

Here, we talk to Jon Beswick, about the African inspiration for his business, acquiring a Golden Globe-winning client, and the power of word of mouth for marketing.


How to supercharge your business cash flow

Here, we give a few alternatives that business owners can look at when it comes to tackling cash flow.

Finding and selling to customers

Luxury quality and accessible pricing: Mutually exclusive?

Mike France on the art of pricing. He explains how quality and affordability can go hand in hand for small businesses.

Business Technology

Five out-of-home technology trends for small businesses

Stephen Allen provides his thoughts about the world-changing technologies small business owners should be aware of.


Self employed tax adviser: A career roadmap

There are still many benefits to becoming self-employed, even when it comes to more niche jobs such as tax advisory, as we learn in this piece.


What content marketing needs to do to move on to the next level

When it comes to marketing, technological advances have had a liberating effect on small businesses.

Business Technology

Ransomware: What are the biggest threats?

Steven Furnell discusses the threats we can expect in the future and what needs to be done to safeguard our devices, businesses and infrastructure.

Employing & managing staff

Should employees be answering emails and calls outside of office hours?

Lee Biggins explores the impact of working out of hours on a work-life balance and the effect this can have on normal office hours.

Business Loans

A brief history of online debt finance

How has the internet transformed business access to debt finance? And what does the future hold? Fleximize’s Peter Tuvey explores.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to start and grow an innovative creative agency

Here, Neil Hughston talks about how he grew his creative agency business and learned from the failures in his previous company.

Startup Funding and Grants

Five reasons why taking out a loan could save your business

Here, we look at some of the most common reasons for a small business to take out a loan.

Small Business Insurance

A guide to picking the right insurance for your business

Without an adequate insurance policy to cover your back at all times, your business could face financial ruin. Here's how to avoid that fate.