
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Business Ideas & Planning

Four steps to building a successful small e-commerce business

In this piece, John-Paul Savant discusses the main considerations to make when starting your small e-commerce business.


Consumers frustrated with repeating themselves during customer service

Having to repeat themselves, whether in-store, online or over the phone, is the worst customer service bugbear for UK consumers, research finds.

Employing & managing staff

Health cash plans: What small businesses should know

Here Russ Piper, CEO of Sovereign Health Care, goes back to basics to cover everything you need to know to implement a health cash plan in your business.


Doing business with the government has been made easier

The Cabinet Office and Government Digital Service has issued new guidelines to help level the playing field for tech and IT companies wanting to do business with government.

Employing & managing staff

Young recruits: Making the most of junior hires as a small business

In this piece, we look at the business owners that have taken on younger members of staff and assess the benefits to a small organisation.


Why Baby Boomer employees are the most motivated and driven

Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, are still some of the most motivated and driven members of the workforce, research finds.


Small businesses propping up the UK economy

Small businesses are making big money for the UK economy, according to a study of the cities with the best potential for SMEs.

Business Technology

Is the office inbox on its way out for small businesses?

Here, productivity expert and author Graham Allcott discusses the smart way for businesses to use email.

Employing & managing staff

Zero hours contracts, employment and small businesses

In the wake of Sports Direct ditching zero hours contracts, we look at what using zero hours contracts means for companies.


Youngsters lacking confidence in job prospects

A third of 16-21 year olds (32 per cent) in the UK lack confidence in their local job prospects due to a lack of awareness of opportunities (35 per cent), and worries over their experience (56 per cent).

Investing in a franchise

How one former company director took on a franchise arm

In this Q&A, Peter Searle discusses the process of taking on a franchise in the business consultancy sector.


Job hunters warned to be vigilant as scammers target graduates

A study has shown that graduates and students are at risk of being scammed when looking for their first job.