
Emily is Chief Accountant at FreeAgent Central Ltd and a graduate of of the University of Cambridge.

Sole trader

What is a sole trader? A small business guide

Emily Coltman, chief accountant at FreeAgent, investigates one very popular structure for new business owners: sole tradership


The top five accountancy errors made by small businesses

Emily Coltman lists five mistakes small businesses make with accounting and how to avoid unnecessary accountancy errors


Five small business taxes you need to know about

Here, FreeAgent's Emily Coltman presents five small business taxes that you need to know about.


Navigating business expenses as a limited company

Emily Coltman, chief accountant at FreeAgent, gives some tips on negotiating the minefield of business expenses.


Five ways to spring clean your business books

Here are some top tips from Emily Coltman to help you brush up your bookkeeping and get your business set for fresh new growth in the months ahead.


Should I charge my clients VAT?

Here, Emily Coltman of Freeagent answers a reader's query on whether they should charge clients VAT.


A small business guide to capital assets

Emily Coltman of FreeAgent discusses capital assets and gives her top tips for dealing with them in your business accounts.


Five things to remember when cash flow forecasting for your business

It's vitally important to have a good grasp of what cash is coming in and going out of your business. Here, Emily Coltman gives some top tips on managing your forecasts.

Business management

Hidden business costs to be aware of when starting a business venture

Here, we look at the hidden costs that entrepreneurs should keep on top off when starting up and running a business.


Entertaining in your business: Can you claim tax relief?

Are you able to claim on the cost of entertaining someone, and what are the implications for VAT? Emily Coltman, chief accountant at FreeAgent, gives the answers.

Making Tax Digital

Four things to know about Making Tax Digital in the new tax year

Emily Coltman gives a lowdown on the Making Tax Digital plans and offers some top tips for preparing your business for the new tax year.


Four things to remember if you miss the self-assessment deadline

Emily Coltman gives her top tips for small businesses completing their tax return after the deadline.