
Nick was the Managing Editor for our sister website growthbusiness.co.uk when it was owned by Vitesse Media, before moving on to become Head of Investment Group and Editor at What Investment and thence to Head of Intermediary Communications at The Association of Investment Companies (AIC). He is a graduate of Cambridge University achieving a double first in English.


R&D tax credits explained

Guidance for small businesses that could benefit from research and development (R&D) tax relief has been published by Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs.

Employing & managing staff

Guide to dismissal and disciplinary rules

When the need arises to take disciplinary action against an employee you must follow the standard three-step dismissal and disciplinary procedure.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to write a business proposal

Writing a business plan or proposal is a difficult but vital skill for anyone starting up, with many issues to consider and include.


Enterprise Hubs offer business support

Enterprise Hubs are the latest incarnation of Government-backed business support networks for start-ups or small businesses.

Business management

Making a success of flexible working

Providing flexible working opportunities for employees is not only the law, it can also benefit the business, according to employed parents charity Working Families.

Finding and selling to customers

Ten ways to win new business

It's no secret that it costs a lot more to acquire new customers than to retain the ones you've got.


How to set up a trade association

The first thing you need to consider is whether a trade association already exists.

Getting Online

Getting your business online

If you are looking to produce a website have a very clear idea of what it is you want the site to do, as you should be able to justify every part of the costs involved in building, hosting and maintaining the site.


Start-ups wanted for ITV show

ITV is looking for people who have either recently set up or are in the process of starting up their own business with a partner, family member or friend to take part in a 20-part series to be broadcast in May.


What makes a good business leader?

The ability to articulate a vision is the most important quality in a business leader, above honesty and decision-making, according to research conducted by business adviser Grant Thornton.


Is your business IQ up to scratch?

Small business owners have the chance to test their “business brains” and identify areas where they may need advice with the launch of a national online IQ test.


UK entrepreneurs feel frustrated’

According to a survey, 500 of the UK's leading entrepreneurs are frustrated by the lack of an established entrepreneurial culture in the UK.