
Management temps for small firms

Small businesses implementing major changes may find an interim manager the answer for providing such long-term business solutions in the short-term.


Inland Revenue to crack down on small businesses

The Inland Revenue is expected to crack down on small businesses, after an appeal against IR35 in December ruled in its favour.


New small businesses chiefs appointed

Two new small business champions aim to strengthen and enhance the structures that support growing businesses in Britain.


Employers urged to prioritise health and safety

The Health and Safety Commission has issued new guidelines on the standards employers should meet when complying with health and safety regulations in the workplace.


More directors disqualified following rule change

There has been a "substantial increase" in the number of company directors disqualified between March and September last year.


UK SMEs lukewarm on euro

Small businesses in the UK are treating the introduction of the euro in physical form on 1 January with indifference at best and dismay at worst.


Government points out business benefits of experienced staff

Pensions minister Ian McCartney wants to encourage firms to "put ability before age" when employing staff.


SMEs count the cost of hidden crime

Smaller enterprises are less likely than their larger counterparts to report a crime because of the increased business costs that it involves, according to a survey just published.


DTI shake-up could benefit SMEs

Small businesses stand to gain much from a planned restructuring of the Department of Trade and Industry.


More flexible hours for working parents

Government proposals to allow around 3.8 million working parents to request more flexible working hours from their employers, were announced by the Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt this week.


Euro boost for SME spam senders

British smaller companies who send unsolicited marketing e-mails, popularly known as 'spam', look to have escaped a blanket Euro judgement that could have restricted their practices.


Staff incentive scheme shake-up

Small business owners are being shown the way to get more from their staff as the Government's Share Incentive Plan takes to the road.