Confused consumers go backwards to the future of technology

More than seven out of ten people feel technology such as smartphones and tablets have become far too complicated over the past five years, with users admitting they neglect basic IT security as a result.

Confused consumers are struggling to get to grips with modern technological advancements new research has revealed.

More than seven out of ten people say they feel devices such as smartphones and tablets have become far too complicated over the past five years, with users admitting they neglect basic IT security as a result.

Three quarters of those questioned in the survey by Lifeline IT said they failed to regularly back-up their laptop or computer because it is too complicated. Only four out of ten feel confident their entire digital life is securely backed-up and a further 64 per cent say they do not trust Cloud storage.

The research, carried out with 1000 consumers, revealed that only 33 per cent are vigilant about password security, with half admitting to keeping passwords on post-it notes or in their phone because it is easier.

The survey was carried out by network support company Lifeline IT to gain a greater understanding of how changes in technology have affected people.

Surprisingly, it is the younger generation who are most concerned with the speed of change, with 78 per cent of those aged 25-34 saying they feel IT has become more complicated, compared to only 65 per cent of those aged 45-54 and 74 per cent of those aged 55-64 years old.

Commenting on the findings, Lifeline IT founder and director Daniel Mitchell says, ‘This research shows that many people feel completely left behind by the rapid changes in technology. Five years ago, devices such as iPhones were simple to set-up and operate but now even experienced ‘techies’ can struggle to get to grips with them.

‘What’s worrying about these findings is it that people are neglecting IT basics such as data back-up and security because they feel it’s all just become too complicated. The ramifications of this could not only be incredibly disruptive but, ultimately, very costly to an individual – losing all your digital personal information or being a victim of cybercrime can be expensive to put right.’

The survey also looked at attitudes towards improvements in internet and broadband performance, with 75 per cent saying they felt internet speed had actually become worse in recent years because of the amount of downloading of visual and audio content people are now doing.

Although technology now enables consumers to run virtually their entire lives from a smartphone, two-thirds said they still do not feel safe using public Wi-Fi networks to make financial transactions or access their bank account.

And whilst 52 per cent think high-tech identification methods such as face recognition or thumbprint verification are the safest ways to access a smartphone or tablet, people continue to neglect basic security. A quarter are still using simple passwords such as ‘password’ or ‘1234’, which negates the advantages of biometric security.

The research was carried out with 1000 people across the UK aged between 18 and 65.

Lifeline IT manages, sets up and develops IT systems for businesses across a variety of different sectors, including retail, property, accountancy and finance.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the IT industry, it has specialist interest in advising growing businesses.

Further reading on future technology

Owen Gough, SmallBusiness UK

Owen Gough

Owen was a reporter for Bonhill Group plc writing across the and titles before moving on to be a Digital Technology reporter for the

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