Crucial aspects of employee management

Here are some key tips to getting the most from your staff.

Employees are the driving force behind any business, and all good managers recognise that without a happy, motivated workforce, the success of their company is limited.

As a leader, your style of management has a significant impact on the morale, and subsequently the performance, of your team, and cultivating a positive relationship with your employees is a crucial part of entrepreneurship.

Regardless of age, industry or position, there are some fundamental qualities that most, if not all, workers expect their seniors to exhibit.

By adopting these basic management practices, you can ensure a progressive working environment that is conducive to both employee satisfaction and long-term business success.

Nurture growth

Having presumably hired the most talented, promising candidates for your company, it is crucial to continuously invest in their development for as long as they are part of your business; indeed, a study carried out by the Harvard Business Review identifies a lack of employee development efforts as one of the main reasons for job dissatisfaction.

Take the time to get to know everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and provide plenty of opportunity for growth accordingly. If one team member excels in a particular area, recognise this by giving them more responsibility.

Equally, be aware of areas that need improvement and offer the necessary guidance and training. Taking a genuine interest in your employees serves as a powerful motivator, and a proactive, hands-on approach will ensure that every individual has the chance to flourish.

Helping your staff to reach their full potential is the first step towards growth and progress as a whole.

Promote open communication

When it comes to forging strong relationships, communication is one of the most powerful tools, especially in business.

Fostering a culture of honesty, transparency and open dialogue not only helps to cultivate a pleasant working environment, it also ensures that everyone is aware of the company’s objectives and, most importantly, knows how they can help to fulfil them.

Effective communication includes welcoming comments and suggestions from your employees, and, equally, providing valuable and actionable feedback, both positive and negative, on a regular basis.

Specialist talent management software solutions, such as those provided by Talentsoft, can help to schedule regular, structured feedback sessions and maintain an open dialogue with your team.

Advocate trust

One of the most effective ways to empower your employees is to trust them. This doesn’t mean letting go of the reins completely, but giving your team plenty of breathing space is crucial to building a culture of respect and loyalty.

By allowing employees to be independent, you show that you trust their judgement and capabilities, which is crucial in terms of motivation.

One manager believes so strongly in the power of trust that she even let her employees determine her salary, and while this is not necessarily feasible for every company, her story is a testament as to how trust is a two-way street in business.

Believing in your employees will enable them to believe in themselves, and this can only ever be a positive thing for a company’s productivity and progress.

Also see: Boost performance through employee gamification

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel

Ben Lobel was the editor of from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

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Managing Staff

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