No touching: Contact free payment options

We have set out some practical considerations on contact free payments, both for face to face businesses, and for online.

The use of cash has sharply declined in recent years. Since Covid-19 crisis started, we’ve seen a lot of shops stop taking cash, to minimise the risk of spreading infection, and embedding further the behaviour of consumers to Contactless payments. Visa and Mastercard have recently increased the contactless payments from £30 to £45, thereby reducing the number of instances customers have to handle a terminal to authorise payment. Plus, there is a strong drive towards online ordering of food, groceries, and digital services as people live through lockdown.

The behaviour around not using cash to pay for your day-to-day is being reinforced. So, when shops finally re-open, it is likely that this trend towards contact free payments – cashless and Contactless will continue.

We have set out some practical considerations on contact free payments, both for face to face businesses, and for online.