Salesforce: Small & Medium Business Trends Report

Insights from 2,300+ business owners and leaders worldwide

For the fourth edition of the “Small and Medium Business Trends Report,” our partners at Salesforce analysed the responses of more than 2,300 small and medium business (SMB) owners and leaders around the world to determine:

• How a pandemic and racial injustices affect their motivations, challenges, and goals
• How demographics shape entrepreneurial experiences and outlooks
• The role of digital transformation in driving business resiliency
• How SMB leaders are planning for recovery and growth post-COVID-19

In early 2020, the world as we know it changed — first, COVID-19 presented businesses of all sizes with unprecedented challenges. Later in the year, racial injustices heightened across the U.S., sparking a movement for change. But leaders of small and medium businesses are builders, creators, and innovators who are determined to persevere. We asked about their experiences as they navigate these challenging times, and how they are adapting for the future.

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