
Employing & managing staff

The latest guides on employing and managing full or part time staff effectively as a small business owner or sole trader. Contains advice on employment law, health and safety at work, recruitment, training, redundancy and disciplinary information, employee rights, workplace regulations, and much more.

This section provides expert and in-depth advice articles on all aspects of staff management and human resources legislation. Our aim is to help UK small businesses to hire great employees, manage them effectively and look after them properly.

Other key topics covered in this employing staff section include team management, employee motivation, legal rights and responsibilities, managing absence, maternity pay and leave, taking on new staff, induction programmes, communication, workplace policies, flexible working, job descriptions, employment contracts and related information.

We also provide information on HR tools, templates and resources specially targeted at SMEs as well as suitable training courses and workshops that can help you get the best out of your staff to make a more efficient, more profitable, happy and productive company. Sounds good? Then read on…

Football fever: how to handle ‘sick’ leave

To save staff calling in sick after tonight's World Cup semi-final, is it worth being more flexible with their working hours? Conor McArdle of Brighter Business explains how to cope.

Employing & managing staff

Employing & managing staff

How to handle the HR process as your business expands

A growing business is a sure-fire sign of success, but it comes with a raft of issues, especially for HR. Gideon Schulman of Pytronot explains how to tackle them.

Employing & managing staff

6 reasons why you should outsource recruitment

Bad experiences with recruiters have swayed businesses into trying to carry out recruitment themselves. Gary Melton of Novo UK explains why this is a bad idea.

Employing & managing staff

Freelancers: why small businesses should hire talent online

Sebastian Siseles talks to about the benefits of hiring freelancers online rather than through a traditional agency.

Employing & managing staff

How to deal with different languages in the workplace

Having multiple languages in the workplace can be useful, but are there any issues involved? Andrew Weir of Moorepay explains what you need to know.

Employing & managing staff

Can’t afford a pay rise? 9 alternative ways to reward your staff

If you can't afford to give a pay rise to your top-performing employees, there are a few other ways that you can reward them.

Employing & managing staff

How poor company culture is affecting SMEs

How do we change the misconception that company culture is optional, rather than a necessity? Here, Jonathan Richards explores the issue.

Employing & managing staff

Here’s how to get your employees moving and exercising

Encouraging staff to say active isn't always easy, but Dr Davina Deniszczyc of Nuffield Health shares a few methods which might help your employees move more.

Employing & managing staff

How poor company culture is affecting SMEs

How do we change the misconception that company culture is optional, rather than a necessity? Here, Jonathan Richards explores the issue.

Employing & managing staff

Here’s how to get your employees moving and exercising

Encouraging staff to say active isn't always easy, but Dr Davina Deniszczyc of Nuffield Health shares a few methods which might help your employees move more.

Employing & managing staff

What does the apprenticeship levy mean for SMEs?

In this piece, Ann Potterton discusses what the businesses with a wage bill under £3 million need to know about the apprenticeship levy.

Employing & managing staff

Recruiting staff: how SMEs can compete with corporate businesses

Recruiting staff can be a tricky task, with SMEs having a particularly hard time hiring and holding on to workers. Stephen Quinn of Jobbio explains how smaller businesses can stand out to future employees.

Employing & managing staff

How to shift the culture of terrible business meetings

We all know how awful meetings are – especially when there are so many of them. Johnny Warström of Mentimeter talks about the problems with meetings and how small businesses can benefit from making some changes.

Employing & managing staff

Why it’s time to look past the university degree when hiring

It’s time businesses became more open minded and stopped snubbing people based on their higher education status, argues Samuel Leach.

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Why you need a business bank account

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5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

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Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

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Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats