Search results for: funding

Dragons’ Den’s Evan Davis on raising finance

Evan Davis, presenter of BBC TWO's Dragons' Den and the BBC economics editor, believes there is no use complaining about the struggle to raise finances when starting up a new company. For Davis, it's simply part of the entrepreneur's lot.

Funding your small business

Business Loans

How to get the best deal on a business bank loan

If you're looking to fund rapid growth your bank will probably be the first port of call. We find out what traditional lenders can offer and how to make sure you're getting the best deal.

Funding your small business

Dragons’ Den’s Evan Davis on raising finance

Evan Davis, presenter of BBC TWO's Dragons' Den and the BBC economics editor, believes there is no use complaining about the struggle to raise finances when starting up a new company. For Davis, it's simply part of the entrepreneur's lot.

Business Loans

How to get the best deal on a business bank loan

If you're looking to fund rapid growth your bank will probably be the first port of call. We find out what traditional lenders can offer and how to make sure you're getting the best deal.


Frank Hannigan, founder of

Frank Hannigan was rejected by Dragons’ Den with his idea for online lost and found service He sought alternative sources of funding, eventually winning twice the amount asked for on the show. caught up with Hannigan and asked for some pearls of wisdom on the major hurdles for start-ups.

Funding your small business

Ten ways to finance your business

The bank is not your only port of call when it comes to raising funds to start your business. Find out the options available to you.

Business management

Jennifer Irvine, founder of The Pure Package

Jennifer Irvine launched The Pure Package in 2004 as a home-delivery meals service tailored to meet clients' individual dietary requirements and preferences. In its first year, Pure Package delivered 70,000 meals and achieved a turnover of £200,000. The company has since grown into a multi-million pound operation. We asked her for her top tips.


Karen Gill co-founder of Everywoman

Karen Gill co-founded Everywoman in 1999, shortly after giving birth to her son. With her partner Maxine Benson, she identified a need for accessible business information for women entrepreneurs. The company started as an online information resource, but has since grown to incorporate training and conference events for women in business. asked her to share her story.


Are small businesses less attractive investments these days?

Opinion is divided on whether too many UK companies seeking small equity investments are being overlooked in favour of their larger-scale counterparts. Are small businesses less attractive investments these days?

Finding and selling to customers

From summer fête to supermarket: how to get your product on the shelves.

Getting your product onto the shelves of a major retailer is no mean feat. speaks to Maria Hellyer, co-founder of The British Curry Company, about how she managed to turn a few jars of curry sauce at a summer fête into Bombay Authentics, a brand that is now sold throughout the UK and exported to 12 countries throughout North America, the Middle East and Europe.

Government Grants

Government grants

How and where can I get information on government grants?

Government Grants

Info on government grants

Where can I get information on government grants to help me and my small business?

Business Ideas & Planning

Business plan dos and don’ts

Seeking funding for your new business can be a real challenge. Meeting with potential investors or banks is daunting, but having a sturdy business plan to back you up should help boost your confidence and your chances of gaining finance. Here are some top tips from

Business management

Lessons Learned: Ian Merricks, MD, Itchy Media

Ian Merricks began his career as a record promoter in 1996, specialising in youth media. In 2007, he raised private equity for the MBO of media and marketing company Itchy Group, for whom he has overseen five acquisitions and several million pounds of private investment. sat down for a cup of tea with him to find out the secret to his success.

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management