Using the data within your business to boost profitability

The ‘fourth industrial revolution’ - begun with the arrival of digital infrastructure in the late 90s and now led by cutting edge tech in the form of IoT, AI and machine learning - means almost all organisations are now big data organisations.

According to IBM, around 99% of data in the world today has created over the last two years alone. And there are numerous studies highlighting the market opportunity for businesses able to make the best use of their data.

All businesses – big and small – now generate large volumes of data. One of the major challenges for enterprises today is understanding how to extract useful intelligence from data they control in order to solve core business problems and improve profitability.

The Centre for Economic Business Research found that the value of big data and IoT to the UK economy will top £54 billion per annum over the next five years. As a result, new types of skills will be required to carry businesses into the next decade. The World Economic Forum’s recent Future of Jobs report found that 35% of skills considered important now will have changed by 2020.

Being able to store, manage and process data intelligently is good business practice. And much of the data captured by small businesses on a daily basis is contained within information tables and managed within relational databases. This data can be interrogated using Structured Query Language (SQL), and knowledge of basic data management skill such as these are proving to be highly prized in today’s operating environment.

Many of the professionals attending our courses like the SQL Training Courses London are coming forward from diverse backgrounds across manufacturing, retail, engineering and construction.

Small businesses will commonly have used Microsoft Access (basic relational database software) to store their customer data. Indeed many may also be conversant with enterprise platforms offered by Oracle, SAP and Microsoft’s own MS SQL Server. SQL is present in many other business applications such as Salesforce, Google Analytics and Xero Accountancy Software.

So SQL knowledge is valuable across most business functions and doesn’t simply reside within the realm of the IT department. Even a basic grasp of how to put together an SQL query allows users to efficiently isolate key information to target marketing campaigns, develop sales strategies or better understand website performance.

For individuals, the SQL Advanced Course offered via the SQL Courses London can help professionals move beyond the fundamentals and build towards more specialist roles such as Business Analyst and Business Intelligence roles.

And for professionals seeking to gain entry into more technical disciplines such as software development, qualifications gained from programmes like Devops Course London will open up a range of well-remunerated career paths.

Where a small business can introduce even basic SQL or elemental coding knowledge into their teams, the result tends to be a more efficient and dynamic working environment. For individuals, the pay-ff for acquiring in-demand data management skills are improved career prospects and increased earning power.

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