Guide to raising your profile

Your new business is up and running, it has a great product that people will love, but nobody has heard of it. Now is the time to shout your message from the rooftops.

Your new business is up and running, it has a great product that people will love, but nobody has heard of it. Now is the time to shout your message from the rooftops.

1. To communicate your message about your product’s benefits, you need to know who you want to talk to, what your message is and the best way of getting your message across.

2. Look at flyers, leaflets and data sheets as a way you can convey information about the benefits of your product to your target customers.

3. Advertising can create attention, inform, remind, prompt sales and improve the image of your product. But the return from advertising is uncertain. It costs more and takes longer than you think.

4. Focus on direct-response advertising which encourages readers to contact you about your product. You can enter details in your marketing database and send offers to them until you convert them to customers.

5. Do not rely on one form of advertising to achieve your objectives. If you can afford it, use a mixture and try to organize a spread of advertising over a period of time (unless you need specific timing for your product).

6. Advertising must be consistent with the impressions of your product and business which you are endeavouring to foster among potential buyers.

7. Think carefully before you set up a website. You may spend as much time and effort marketing the website as you do marketing your product.

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