
Patent Box praised by SMEs

Patent legislation announced in the Budget has been hailed as key to ensuring manufacturing continues in the UK.


Budget 2012: SMEs demand Budget lifeline

Small business owners have spoken out on what they want to see from the Budget, with improving access to finance and easing credit flow mentioned as key priorities.

Finding and selling to customers

Consumers frustrated by payment card refusals

Nearly a third of the UK public have been inconvenienced in the last year by a retailer not taking payment cards.


SMEs hampered by poor tech provision

Almost three quarters of UK entrepreneurs admit that inadequate management of technology is reducing profitability in their business.


Shorter apprenticeship schemes do not provide same value as longer courses

Business owners are concerned that shorter apprenticeship schemes do not provide the same value as longer courses, the Forum of Private Business warns.

Employing & managing staff

What is the simplest way to employ staff on a casual basis?

I am a one-man consultant/product developer and currently have more work that I can cover. What is the simplest way that I can employ staff on a casual or part time basis to help out when required?


Small businesses shun graduates

Small business owners are turning their backs on the graduate employee market and instead choosing to hire school leavers and other non-graduates.


How can I make my website easy to navigate?

I run a small business and am about to launch a new retail website. Can you give me some tips on making my website easy to navigate?

Business Technology

Continental SMEs more tech-minded

British small businesses place less of an emphasis on technology than their European counterparts, research finds.

Employing & managing staff

How to retain staff looks at staff retention and how to keep hold of key talent.

Business Ideas & Planning

James Caan review: The FT Guide to Business Startup

Serial investor and entrepreneur James Caan reviews Sara Williams' guide for entrepreneurs.


Nameless CVs for fairer hiring

Businesses should encourage all job applicants to send in CVs that do not identify their name or ethnic background, says an employment law specialist.