
Office workers are caring for the environment, research reveals

Concern for the environment is having a major impact on office working habits, research reveals

Business Ideas & Planning

How to write your business plan

A business plan is not only essential for starting a business or for raising funds, but it is vital for running the business. It will help you keep on a specific course or alert you to situations when things are not going to plan and force you to take action.


The benefits of executive coaching investigates how executives can gain value from an assessment of their performance as a leader.

Finding and selling to customers

How do I decide on the right CRM system?

How do I choose the right CRM system for my small business?


Laying the groundwork for business social networking

Serial entrepreneur Frank Joshi learned about business the hard way. He reveals the trials and tribulations of his career before he started social business software company Mvine.


Businesses concerned about paternity leave changes

Company owners are worried about the potential damage caused by this month's changes to paternity leave, finds research.

Getting Online

Bad websites threaten SMEs

Poor quality websites are scuppering the trade of small businesses, finds research.


Employees would take their dog to work

Some 85 per cent of employees who have dogs would bring them into the office given the opportunity, finds research.


Inflated energy bills hurt SMEs

Almost £2 billion is being lost from the UK's small business sector each year by firms unnecessarily paying inflated electricity charges, research reveals.


Unpaid overtime soars

A record 5.26 million people worked unpaid overtime last year, the highest since records began in 1992, finds research.


Companies wait for growth before hiring

Small businesses are adopting a conservative approach to job creation this year with only 41 per cent planning to create new positions.


Entrepreneurship requires calculated risks

In an excerpt from his latest book, TV personality and celebrity chef Levi Roots discusses taking calculated risks in business.