Business management

10 Fast Growth Businesses

There are smaller companies in the UK which are increasing sales and improving margins. finds out how they're making it happen.

Business Technology

Transforming a business with a stock management system

Every business needs to move with the times if it wants to stay competitive. Daniel Puddick, managing director of the Sunglasses Shop, says the technology that transformed his business was a stock management system.


How to master video marketing

In a world of digital entertainment, viewers now have an invaluable source of knowledge at their fingertips.

Employing & managing staff

Don’t change employee pension schemes just yet

Employers may do well to put any changes to their pensions schemes on hold until a decision is made this autumn.


How to make social media work for your business

Social media like Twitter and Facebook may be easy to use, but it takes time and effort to make them commercially worthwhile for a business.


SMEs are running scared of late payers

The fear of losing business is stopping many SMEs from chasing bad debt.


Better with age? Older workers versus younger workers

Not so long ago a government report concluded that two-thirds of employers felt that 16-year old school leavers were well prepared for work.

Business management

The 99p entrepreneur

Young buck Suleman Sacranie dropped out of university to launch online discount operator 99p Shopper in July and already has dreams of floating the company.


Brits scheming for SME success

More than one in five Britons believe that they have a business plan that will make them millionaires.


Social networking and business

What can small businesses learn from larger enterprises that have embraced social networking?

Startup Funding and Grants

Finance options for start-ups and SMEs

Rose Lewis, a partner at financial consultancy Pembridge Partners, explains the various financial alternatives for the intrepid small business owner when a bank decides to play hardball.

Business management

Sara Pomfret on setting up her home furnishing business Raines & Willow

Sara Pomfret set up her home furnishing business, Raines &Willow, earlier this year with her father, David Brown. It's already making a profit.