
Alan was assistant editor at Vitesse Media Plc (previous owner of smallbusiness.co.uk) before moving on to a content producer role at Reed Business Information. He has over 17 years of experience in the publishing industry and has held a number of senior writing, editing and sub-editing roles.

Business Ideas & Planning

Writing a business plan: the basics

It's not just Dragons’ Den contestants who need to demonstrate a credible product idea before getting a grilling. Here Alan Gleeson, manager of Palo Alto Software, gives his top ten tips on how to create a winning business plan.


Why SMEs need to come to terms with the social networking age

The idea of customers seeking out a company’s ‘bricks and mortar’ customer service operation is becoming increasingly outmoded.

Startup Funding and Grants

Get funding from the Angels

If you are thinking about starting or growing a business, one of the toughest challenges you will face is securing funding for the project. Are Business Angels a solution?


CIPD: Employment tribunal system ‘broken’

Employers believe the current system for resolving workplace disputes is failing them, with 69 per cent saying they have no protection against employees making claims to tribunals.


Megalomaniac CEOs

Businesses need strong leaders, but if the man or woman at the helm is excessively domineering, it can put a business in jeopardy.

Finding and selling to customers

Secrets of sales

Four seasoned sales experts tell SmallBusiness.co.uk what their experiences have taught them.


SMEs not protected by insolvency law

A survey reveals that 96 per cent of businesses believe insolvent companies should not be allowed to take advantage of pre-pack administrations.


FSB: Don’t axe graduate scheme

The Federation of Small Businesses is urging the government to extend its graduate internship scheme, due to come to an end in March 2011.

Employing & managing staff

The pros and cons of performance-related pay

SmallBusiness.co.uk investigates the benefits of having a variable element to remuneration.


SMEs struggle with employment law

Some 94 per cent of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) believe the complexity of UK employment law is a problem.


Ten tips for better business blogging

There is little point writing a blog if nobody reads it. Search engine optimisation (SEO) specialist Mark Rushworth gives his ten tips for better business blogging.


Employees think bosses live the good life

Almost a third of employees think the boss of their firm has an extravagant office, research finds.