
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


SME employees seek training and development opportunities

Nine in ten UK professionals would be less likely to seek new employment if their current employer offered them training and development, finds a study.


Starting a business on the side a popular choice in UK

Would-be entrepreneurs seek to mitigate the risk of going it alone by launching their new company while still in employment, research finds.

Business management

What type of entrepreneur are you?

Here, we look at four business types – where do you fit in?


Excuses for absence revealed by employees

Almost one in six working Britons admit to 'faking it' for a day off work, research finds.


Small business employees show little tolerance for payroll errors 

More than a third (35 per cent) of employees say they would look for a new job if their employer paid them incorrectly just once, research finds.


Entrepreneurial Britain bristling with business brains

Britons generate more than 13,000 new business ideas per hour, according to a study.


Prompt payment still a problem for customers of small businesses

UK micro-businesses are owed over £16.9 billion by their customers, research finds.


Assistance from family and friends crucial to early stages of business

The majority of micro-business owners in the UK have received hands-on assistance from their family members and friends when starting up, saving on average £1,036 in wages during this crucial period, research finds.


Women show greater entrepreneurial ambition than men

Almost half of female entrepreneurs claim they are interested in starting another business in the next three years, compared to just one in five men, research finds.


Manufacturing confidence falls to lowest level in two years

Britain's manufacturing firms reported the biggest decline in optimism this month since March 2013, research finds.


Employee engagement low in SMEs

Just over a third of British staff are highly engaged at work, while 48 per cent claim to be only moderately engaged with the remainder having no or low engagement, research finds.

Business Ideas & Planning

Pop-up shops a common choice as millions aspire to start up

Some 11.6 million people plan to start their own business within the next two years. Some of these will utilise pop-up shops to begin their entrepreneurial journey.