
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


Small business owners plan to work through their holiday

Three quarters of UK small business owners work throughout their holidays, with almost half spending as much as three hours per day on such tasks, research finds.


Number of start-up programmes in the UK more than doubles over three years

Some 59 programmes supported more than 1,100 start-ups in 2014 alone, research finds.

Business Ideas & Planning

One day to get your small business on track

Matthew Levington and Rod Davies of Business Doctors reveal how to give yourself one day to get you working on your business, rather than in it.

Alternative finance

Invoice finance and how it can help small and growing companies

In the wake of the FSB's concern over small companies being subjected to poor payment practices, we look at three businesses that were aided by invoice finance.


Concern raised over supply chain bullying of small businesses

Small businesses are being subjected to a 'serious deterioration of payment practices', putting their cash flow under threat, according to a prominent lobbying group.

Business management

Taking the high road: Flying the flag for top Scottish businesses

Here, we look at three Scottish businesses demonstrating the rude health of companies North of the border.


Number of UK debut directors at all-time high

There are more first-time business owners in the UK than ever, research finds.

Alternative finance

Are you a financially savvy small business owner?

Here, we look at some commonly-asked questions on small business finance and reveal some of the best solutions available for each situation.


Autumn Statement 2014: Funding for Lending scheme extended

Chancellor George Osborne has announced an extension of the Funding for Lending scheme, which underwrites loans to businesses, for another year to January 2016.


What can UK SME owners learn from their US counterparts?

Rich Preece explores the nuances of how Americans run early-stage companies compared to Britons.


Small companies miss out on online sales

More than half of the public (55 per cent) find it difficult to support local small firms because many of these businesses aren't online.


Social media for the small business: Start by listening

Here, Meera Sapra discusses how to create a personal voice on social media.