
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Getting Online

Google is finally cracking down on websites that use intrusive popups

Here, we discuss Google's introduction of an algorithm that seeks and penalises 'interstitial-guilty' websites.

Business Technology

Advantages of shifting to a virtual private server

Here, we look at a particular server solution and why it could be the answer to your small business needs.


Five steps to managing your small business budget more effectively

In this piece, Darren Clare gives some essential pointers on making the most of your budget.

Business Ideas & Planning

Finding the right niche for your small business

The secret to finding the right niche is solving a simple problem better than anyone else does, as we outline here.

Employing & managing staff

How small businesses can retain talent and boost employee performance

Here are four ways to take advantage of your small business status and keep your team happy, loyal and engaged.

Office & home working

How businesses must flex to ease the return to work

Richard Morris discusses how employers can offer flexibility – in hours and working locations – to those returning from a career break.

Finding and selling to customers

Five tips to help small companies upscale and compete for big business

Marketing, outsourcing and upgrading your e-commerce offerings are key components of a successful upscale. Here, we take a look at how you can apply them.

Business Technology

Choosing the right web hosting provider for your small business

Here's why it's important to choose the right web hosting provider for your business.


Five ways every business can get started with text marketing

One way to grab the attention of potential customers early is to create a mobile programme before your even start up, says Holly Barber.

Business management

How to make a business partnership work

George Grigg lifts the lid on what it takes to make a business partnership work.

Business Technology

The benefits of attending SEO conferences for small businesses

Here, we look into the benefits of attending an SEO conference for a small business owner.

Finding and selling to customers

How does human evolution affect shopping behaviour?

Here, Philip Adcock details how the biology of evolution has a huge influence on your customers.