
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Business Loans

How alternative finance can support an SME’s cash flow

Fleximize’s Peter Tuvey examines how a new wave of alternative lenders are helping small businesses tackle their biggest challenge – cash flow.

Business management

Brexit and SMEs: Assessing opinion over the last six months

Here, Amelia Bishop details how Brexit will affect your business in the future, in both positive and negative ways.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to write a brilliant business case

Here, Richard Walker discusses the key things to consider when putting your business plan together.

Business management

Top tips for becoming an effective business leader

Fabio Torlini explores five elements that start-up entrepreneurs and business leaders should use as their guide to being a great leader.


Pensions savings – which option is right for you?

In this piece, Chris Kelly shares a helpful guide to your pension options and how to maximise your savings.

Government Grants

Grant finance: The Mayor of London’s Low Carbon Entrepreneur Award

Here, Elena Dieckmann reveals how she went about achieving financial support from The Mayor of London’s Low Carbon Entrepreneur Award.

Employing & managing staff

Sorting the best applicants from the rest

When assessing applicants’ profiles, the ability to read between the lines is all-important. Here are our top tips for sorting the best from the rest.


How to save money on your small company with these free business essentials

Collette Jones, money saving expert at Magic Freebies UK, reveals some free business essentials that can help small businesses save money when starting out.


Business rates hike will ‘potentially finish small businesses’

Small business owners have spoken out about the shake-up in business rates that threatens to hit the smallest companies the hardest.


Lessons learned from… Uber’s #deleteuber crisis

In the latest in our monthly series ‘Lessons Learned’, Jennifer Janson looks at what businesses can learn from when Uber got political.

Finding and selling to customers

Why the high street isn’t dead

Here, Jonathan Loofe looks at how the high street and online retail can work together for small business success.

Business Technology

How investing in communications technology can help smaller businesses stay ahead of the curve

Here's how today’s modern communications tools have the power to bring real and lasting benefits to your company and help you punch above your weight to compete with big businesses.