
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.


Small business appetite for equity finance increases

Small business appetite for long term equity-based finance has increased significantly in the last 12 months, research finds.

Business Ideas & Planning

The five biggest mistakes when leaving your job to start a business

Nick Wealthall explores the common mistakes made by people thinking about quitting their job to work on their own business.

Employing & managing staff

How to monitor diversity successfully

Jon Heuvel looks at the importance of business owners monitoring workforce diversity, navigating regulations and mitigating any potential risks.


How to achieve first-rate marketing on a start-up budget

Sammy Blindell discusses the low-cost and no-cost marketing strategies that net the most significant results, in the least amount of time.

Business management

Why storytelling is important for business success

Paul Oberschneider discusses the power of storytelling and creating a vision for constructing a brand, building confidence, and getting funding.

International Business

Planning for overseas expansion: How to maintain a smooth transition

Here are five factors to contemplate as a small business owner when embarking in overseas trade.

Business management

A ten-step business checklist for a profitable year

Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or cut costs, check out our ten-step checklist for achieving better profitability.

Employing & managing staff

Make employer brand your top priority in 2017

Dan Dackombe looks at what small businesses should have on what their 2017 resolution list when it comes to finding/hiring talent.

Business Technology

Small businesses and cyber crime at Christmas: Stay vigilant

In this piece, in association with Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), we look at why companies must keep a keener eye out for cyber crime in the festive season.


The rise of live sports broadcasts in the UK

This article traces the ways in which the boom in live sports broadcasts in Britain is affecting the economy.

Business Ideas & Planning

How one student turned her babysitting and tutoring platform into reality

South London student Ibiere Banigo discusses the lengths she went to to start and grow her online babysitting platform.

Finding and selling to customers

Why one in three customers do not buy your complete range

Would-be customers are unaware of most of your product range, says Royston Guest. Here, he discusses how to put that right.