
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Employing & managing staff

Three key trends that are reshaping the workforce

Here, we look at three emerging trends that are impacting on the way small businesses manage their personnel, and what the wider world of business and HR will have to do to adapt in the future.


Where do entrepreneurs fit into society?

Although the government has never been more encouraging, more needs to be done to help small businesses get off the ground, argues Chris McCullough.

Office & home working

Why remote working teams can be viable for small businesses

Jason Downes looks at the difference between a remote worker and remote working teams, which could be shaping the future of the workplace.

Employing & managing staff

Four ways to ensure your staff stay motivated

Lucy Abrahams explores four ways in which business owners can ensure their employees stay motivated and remain that way for the rest of the year.

Business management

The sustainable solutions you should consider for your small business

Here, we look at some of the compelling reasons for small and medium-size enterprises to become more environmentally aware.


Four gift ideas for your treasured clients this Christmas

Each of the Christmas gift suggestions are a great way to say thanks and give your business a boost for the year to come.

Office & home working

Seven ideas for creating a healthier workplace

Tracy Dixon-Maynard looks at some quick wins that will help you achieve a balance of happier staff, lower absence rates and a more productive environment.


The ingredients you need for a successful food business

Here, chocolate industry guru James Hutchins shares his advice for start-up food businesses.

Business Technology

How small businesses can develop their IT roadmap

Here, Tristan Watkins argues that any time put into planning, particularly when it comes to implementation of new technology, will pay dividends in the long run for a small business.

Alternative finance

The quick way to boost cash flow to your business

Here, we look at how to access finance quickly, when you need it most.

Business management

A translator can help you with these business hacks

Translation is required in many business situations. In this piece we look at three business hacks translators could help you with.

Business management

What can we learn from the small business community?

Andy Nash looks at three key areas in which SMEs lead the way: managing growth, reacting to topical issues and sustaining strong leadership.