Finding and selling to customers

GoDaddy hosts virtual Christmas high street to promote microbusinesses

#GoDaddyShops aims to connect Christmas shoppers with microbusinesses as public makes conscious effort to shop independently this year

Business management

Your guide to Peer Networks

We've already explained how the government's Peer Networks programme can benefit your business, now let's find out how it works

Business management

Five reasons why Peer Networks could benefit your business

The government's Peer Networks programme offers support to SMEs as they face upcoming challenges with Covid-19 and Brexit

International Business

Keeping 2021 simple for small and medium-sized enterprises

Currensea explain what Open Banking is and how it can help small and medium-sized enterprises to trade overseas

Smart Energy GB

Upgrade to a smart meter and enjoy a smarter future

If your small business has fewer than 10 employees, you could apply for a smart meter today. A meter gives you oversight of energy usage and could save you money

Getting Online

Reducing stress as a small business owner by tackling thought spirals – infographic

In partnership with the UK Domain, we show you how to get out of those troublesome thought spirals with this handy infographic

Business management

How community solidarity with SMEs can boost your Q4 revenue

Here, we look at how being part of a business ecosystem can be invaluable during a tough spot when community means everything

Business management

9 steps to help you improve cash flow in your small business

Follow these handy tips from business account provider Cashplus to improve your cash flow and reducing those unwanted late payments

Business Technology

How CCTV and access control could help your staff return to work

CCTV that screens temperatures and tech that controls building access are valuable tools for any business wanting to return to the new normal

Business management

Small businesses and their role in efficient supply chains – Q&A with Logmore CEO Janne Juhala

Logmore CEO, Janne Juhala, answers key questions about small businesses and how they can handle ever-changing supply chains.

Getting Online

Avoid multitasking to improve your productivity – infographic

In partnership with the UK Domain, we share some tips to help you avoid multitasking to improve your productivity

Business management

8 ways to save money running your microbusiness

Estimating your energy bills is the second largest bit of guesswork running a microbusiness after calculating tax. Installing a smart meter gives you control.