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Founded: 1730
Founder(s): Juan Famenias Floris
Currently owned by: Edward Bodenham

Floris is the oldest fragrance and toiletries brand in the UK. Founder, Juan Famenias Floris, moved from Menorca to London in search of his fortune, securing premises in St James which he originally set up as a barbershop. But he missed Mediterranean aromas so much that he and his wife made them to sell.

The brand has gained quite the reputation over its time. Writer and creator of James Bond, Ian Fleming, was a frequent Floris customer. No.89 eau de toilette was created the year before his first novel was published in 1951 and the scent soon became the author’s favourite. The fragrances appear in the novel version of Moonraker, published in 1955. Historic receipts hint that Winston Churchill and Marilyn Monroe were previous customers too.

Formulas were passed down through the generations, right through to current perfumery director, Edward Bodenham, who is a ninth generation family member.

Floris has a factory in Devon. The heart of the business is still in Jermyn Street where the first store opened in 1730.

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Anna Jordan

Anna is Senior Reporter, covering topics affecting SMEs such as grant funding, managing employees and the day-to-day running of a business.

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