CEOs paid up to £27,500 a year to browse social media at work

Half of British workers touch their smartphone up to 18 times an hour whilst at work, as new study finds CEOs can't put the phone down.

Chief executives are spending a third (30 per cent) of their work time – worth £27,500 – scrolling through social media and their personal emails on their smartphones, according to a new study.

Smartphones are the fastest-selling gadget in history with around two billion people using them across the world each day. Smartphone addiction is a popular topic that ironically saturates the internet with articles and self-help guides to try and help people tackle their addiction. But how far does our addiction really go?

Online mobile retailer e2save polled 2,000 working adults and find that during work hours, half (47 per cent) of Brits touch their smartphone between one – three times every ten minutes, and five per cent reach for their devices over ten times in a ten minute period.

More than a quarter (26 per cent) of Brits admitted to spending between  two – three minutes on their mobiles each time, with five per cent admitting they spend over ten minutes browsing social media each time they check it.

The worst offenders, using their phones most often were executives (21 per cent) and chief executives (21 per cent). Amazingly, 11 per cent of directors even admitted to using Tinder whilst at work, while 61 per cent of apprentices say they never use their phones during working hours.

Chief executives who use their phone up to three times in every ten minute period for personal use, for one minute at a time are being paid £27,487.20 a year to socialise on their smartphone.

The apps that Brits can’t stay away from during working hours were personal emails (52 per cent), Facebook (36 per cent) and Whatsapp (32 per cent).

But it’s not just social networks Brits are lusting after in the office, as three per cent of 25-34 year olds say they watch Netflix whilst at work and four per cent of those surveyed admit to searching for love on Tinder at work.

Andy Cartledge, mobile expert at e2save, says, ‘Smartphones are an integral part of society these days. Not only do they make our lives more efficient, they help us stay connected to the world around us, so it’s no surprise that many Brits find it hard to disconnect and keep their smartphones out of their hands whilst at work.

‘Individuals need to ensure they are balancing their smartphone usage with their work lives and not allowing themselves to be distracted from their duties at work.’

For tips on how to get off social media at work and increase productivity, click here.

Further reading on social media

Owen Gough, SmallBusiness UK

Owen Gough

Owen was a reporter for Bonhill Group plc writing across the and titles before moving on to be a Digital Technology reporter for the

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