Discrimination laws ‘incredibly important’ for employers

It is 'incredibly important' for SMEs employers to know what they can and cannot ask during a job interview says one business expert.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) says that a good knowledge of the legislation can help managers avoid doing anything wrong and more importantly, ensure an organisation employs those most suitable for a job.

Victoria Winkler, an advisor for the CIPD, states that employers get the best results from recruiting a diverse range of people within a workforce.

This ‘positive impact on the business’ can only be achieved if employers are familiar with the legislation.

She adds that there is a great deal of guidance available from the government and the CIPD, which is information SMEs would benefit from.

According to the Which? guide, what were once standard questions on an application form or during an interview – such as age, length of experience and religious views – are now illegal under legislation relating to discrimination.

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