Dealing with an employee discipline or dismissal procedure is a necessary if unappealing part being an employer. Understanding the following steps will help.
Step 1: Put it in writing
You must write down what the employee has done that may result in their dismissal or disciplinary action and send a copy to the employee.
Step 2: Meet and discuss
You must invite the employee to a meeting at a reasonable time and place in order to discuss the matter. The employee is entitled to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative if they choose. Following the meeting, you must tell the employee what you have decided and offer your employee the right to appeal against your decision.
Step 3 Appeal
If the employee wants to appeal, they must tell you. You must then invite the employee to a further meeting to hear the appeal. Where possible a more senior manager should attend this meeting. The employee is entitled to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative if they choose. After the meeting, give the employee your final decision.
See also: How to avoid unfair dismissal claims – An overview of the basics to help you avoid paying any unnecessary compensation and explains the basis for claims of unfair dismissal.