
Starting a Business

Advice on how to start your own business, with guides to help you plan, develop and finance a start-up company, plus recommendations on registering the business, its legal structure and finding financial backing for growth. Whether you are just beginning or have already taken the first steps and want to keep everything on track, our expert articles will give you the knowledge to help lead you to success, whilst maintaining a good work-life balance.

Starting a business can initially seem daunting, but with good support and a strong idea you can quickly pass through the key stages of the setting-up process and be able to launch your company with a solid foundation.

Topics covered include: regulations and requirements for company owners, finding and selecting the professional services you may need (such as banking, insurance, accountancy etc.), legal structure options (self-employed person, sole trader, a partnership or a limited company), business planning, UK start up funding sources and finding your first customers.

The risks and opportunities in international trading

In order to minimise risk and maximise opportunities brought about by international trade, these are the strategies that companies practice.



The best companies to start in a post-Brexit UK

Dermot Campbell, CEO of Kuber Ventures explains what businesses he thinks will succeed in a post-Brexit Britain.


The importance of emotion and connection in business storytelling

Storytellers in the business world can engage audiences deeply with the right balance of emotion and key facts.


How to make the transition from freelancer to small business

Making the transition from freelancer to small business can be pretty daunting. In this piece, we look at how to prepare for the switch.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to start a furniture business

In this article, we take a look at some of the things you should prioritise if you intend to set up your own furniture company.

Success stories

Entrepreneur Q&A: ‘Skilled women were disappearing from the industry’

Lacey Hunter-Felton, founder of Hunter Collective, shares how she set up a co-working space for beauty professionals –with an unexpected blessing along the way.

Success stories

Entrepreneur Q&A: ‘The Internet is the current issue for us’

Sandra Corcoran, co-owner of Bradford-based Pennine Cycles, talks about adjusting to life running a business, Brexit and promoting Yorkshire.

Business Ideas & Planning

Pre-revenue business: Nic Pillow, CEO of Rhizome Live

In a new series on firms with minimal sales, we speak to Nic Pillow at Rhizome Live about the development of its online learning platform.

Success stories

Entrepreneur Q&A: ‘The Internet is the current issue for us’

Sandra Corcoran, co-owner of Bradford-based Pennine Cycles, talks about adjusting to life running a business, Brexit and promoting Yorkshire.

Business Ideas & Planning

Pre-revenue business: Nic Pillow, CEO of Rhizome Live

In a new series on firms with minimal sales, we speak to Nic Pillow at Rhizome Live about the development of its online learning platform.

Investing in a franchise

Six steps to franchising your business

From choosing franchisees to providing specialist training, aspiring franchisors must ensure they follow all the right steps to make their operation a success. Here are some best practice tips to franchising a business.

Business Ideas & Planning

Registering your business: sole trader or limited company? 

Here, we speak to four small business owners about the decisions they faced when registering their company and what influenced their choices.

Success stories

Entrepreneur Q&A: ‘Going on Dragons’ Den fast-tracked business growth’

GripIt founder Jordan Daykin talks about starting a business at the age of 13 and securing investment from Deborah Meaden.

Startup Funding and Grants

Business funding for graduates launching a start-up

Here is a rundown of business funding options for graduates launching a start-up company.

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats