

The Entrepreneurs archive offering advice and tips to help small businesses start and succeed in business.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to be an entrepreneur (or why you shouldn’t be put off by the term)

The media has given the term 'entrepreneur' a specific image that may not always be accurate, argues Tina Boden.


Equipping the next generation for business

James King, of venture capital firm Find Invest Grow, discusses why a more direct relationship between commerce and education is needed to help boost new business.


Entrepreneurship still the preserve of young men as women and older people shy away

Women and the over 50's are shunning entrepreneurship, preferring the reliability of employment instead, according to a survey.


Entrepreneurs reflective on their decision to start a business

A quarter of small business owners say that they regret starting up and would rather not go through the pain of growing a company again, research finds.

Business management

How to reframe business problems to better serve your customers

Jonathan Richards discusses how you can add value to a sale by changing the way you approach problems.


Choosing the right advisers as a small business owner

Jonathan Richards discusses how entrepreneurs should go about selecting experts to consult.


Small businesses sharing resources with other companies 

The majority of UK start-ups are clubbing together to share core business functions with other companies, according to a study.


Entrepreneurial Britain: Eight million in the UK operating online business from home

One in six people in the UK are operating as an 'online business from home', specifically purchasing goods to resell, or making their own products to sell for profit, finds research.

Sole trader

Is your small business recognised or ‘invisible’?

Entrepreneur Tina Boden discusses what 'invisible businesses' are and why they aren't being counted in statistics.


Small business opinion on the death of Margaret Thatcher

Company owners hail Thatcher as a powerful leader and strong influence on private enterprise.


How to keep productive as a small business owner/manager

Entrepreneur Mark Asquith discusses how small company leaders can hone their navigational skills.


Lean in, back off, but don’t do nothing

Entrepreneur Jonathan Richards discusses how American author Seth Godin's business mantra applies to small company owners.

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats