
Starting a business

Articles, news and advice guides on starting a business in the UK.


Seven Steps for starting up a business

Head of start-ups at BT Business Ian Bushby outlines the essential roadmap to help steer your business idea towards success.

Business Ideas & Planning

What’s the first thing to do to start a business?

I am thinking of starting my own gardening business but know nothing about starting a business. I was wondering what is the first thing I need to do?

Business management

Ten essential small business links

At SmallBusiness.co.uk we receive a staggering number of questions from entrepreneurs and those looking to start their own business about the particulars of forming a company, registering an idea or name, grants and keeping ahead of the barrage of legislative changes that SME managers and owners face.


Taking the plunge and starting your own business

Taking the plunge and starting your own business is a big step to take and the pressure of keeping yourself afloat can weigh heavily on a small business owner.

Business Ideas & Planning

Implications of starting a business whilst in full-time employment

Can I work as sole trader and continue with my full-time job, while I'm setting up my new business, without informing my current employers?

Business Ideas & Planning

Setting up a business in Spain

Spain is one of the most popular destinations for Britons wanting to set up a business abroad. With 16 million British tourists visiting every year and over 650,000 having moved there permanently this is no surprise.


The best places to start a business

Earlier this year, the DTI launched the Enterprising Britain 2006 competition to find the UK cities, towns or areas that prove themselves the best places to start and run a business in the UK. And now, the winners have been announced!

Business Ideas & Planning

Guide to the first steps

There's a lot of issues to consider when starting up for the first time and this short guide will help clarify what those are.

Business Ideas & Planning

Checklist: Is starting a business for you?

Deciding to start your own business is one of the biggest decisions you will have to make. This checklist from the Small Business Guide reveals the questions you need to ask yourself before you take the plunge.


Setting up a publishing company

There are several organisations you can turn to for help and guidance when setting up a publishing company, ranging from trade bodies, to those offering courses, to online forums where you can contact others who have been through a similar experience.


Preparation is key for start-up businesses

A survey of entrepreneurs has found that over 50% considered themselves inexperienced when they started up their businesses and almost half wished they had been better prepared.

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats