Small Business Insurance

Trade credit insurance hurting retailers

Retailers being refused trade credit insurance is leading to problems in the industry, especially for small to medium-sized businesses, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) warns.

Sole trader

How to succeed as a sole trader

Setting up as a sole trader can be the easiest, and most cost-effective route for going into business. But you will need more than a spare room and internet connection to make your idea a success.

Small Business Banking

No guarantee of funding with the SFLG

The likes of The Body Shop and Waterstone’s used funding through the Small Firms Loan Guarantee (SFLG) scheme to get off the ground. But with banks now so reluctant to lend, some believe it’s time for an overhaul


Greater competition between UK supermarkets

The Competition Commission has now published its report on the grocery sector and is calling for greater competition between UK supermarkets.

Employing & managing staff

How to fight workplace bullying

Bullying affects up to one in ten employees. But intimidating behaviour, as displayed by presenters Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, can go unnoticed. Here Steve Williams, head of equality services at employment expert Acas and offer some tips for banning bullying.

Business Loans

Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme Explained

There is still another means of raising cash without giving away too much equity.

Investing in a franchise

Why Franchising could work for you

Many well known brands have developed successful franchises, such as McDonalds and Starbucks. With over 800 networks in the UK, it has become a popular way to expand. Here are a few things to consider first.

Small Business Banking

Are banks backing your business?

SMEs tell us how the banking situation is affecting them.

Finding and selling to customers

Healthy margins for speciality food

Splashing out on organic and home-grown foods is something we have developed a taste for, but with sales of fast food on the rise how are speciality and niche providers finding new ways to stimulate taste buds and be affordable?

Government Grants

Getting government grants

It's not easy to getting government grants or funding but there are genuine opportunities available for those who persevere. Find out all you need to know here.

Business Technology

Cost of building a website – expense or capital?

We are a start-up business currently having a bespoke website built (total cost will be around £10k). Will this be treated as a capital cost or trading expense by HMRC?


How can I promote my small retail outlet?

Get people to pay attention to your window displays. An attractive shop window display should draw passers by to look and come in to buy.