
Anna is Senior Reporter, covering topics affecting SMEs such as grant funding, managing employees and the day-to-day running of a business.


Treasury mulls Covid loan deadline extension

The Treasury is considering a deadline extension on the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS). However, businesses may be worse off under the new version


Sunak offers £500m for older workers to plug gaps in small business workforce

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is to announce measures to bolster the workforce, such as helping older people get into work


Business Ideas 365

Business Ideas 365 is at it sounds. Get regular inspiration for your business – or inspiration for your new one


Create & Cultivate

Create & Cultivate is ideal for women entrepreneurs who want a community to share tips and ideas with. They run events too



David Dang's EntrepreneurshipFacts give followers motivation based on simple, practical and achievable goals


Instagram for Business

Instagram for Business is the knowledge hub for people who use Instagram for business. Learn how to use its features and get quick tips


StartUp Creative

StartUp Creative is an Instagram feed for inspiration, encouragement and education, as well as connecting with its owner, Kaylene Langford


The best Instagram accounts to follow for your small business

Instagram needn't be a mindless scroll for small business owners. We've found five accounts which will give you inspiration and motivation

Employing & managing staff

Zero hours contracts holiday entitlement and holiday pay

How do you calculate holiday entitlement and pay of someone on a zero hours contract? We clear up the confusion and help you get it right

Employing & managing staff

Zero hours contract template

In this article, we'll give you a run through of what you should be including in your zero hours contract template

Employing & managing staff

Zero hours contract rights

In our zero hours contracts series, we look at what rights your workers and employees have, such as the minimum wage and paid annual leave

Employing & managing staff

Zero hours contract redundancy

How do you go about redundancy for somebody who's on a zero hours contract?