
Ben Lobel was the editor of SmallBusiness.co.uk from 2010 to 2018. He specialises in writing for start-up and scale-up companies in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.

Business Ideas & Planning

Setting up a business abroad

How do I go about setting up a business abroad? I wish to use a bank outside the UK to hold the account: should I get legal representation here or there?

Work life balance

Working and running a family

Do you have children and want to use your skills and earn an income? Here are some tips for business mums.

Legal advice

Smoking at work

What rights do employees have with regard to smoking, and does the employer have a legal obligation to provide a smoking area off the premises?

Business Technology

Can VoIP really reduce business telephony costs?

Small businesses are constantly seeking to cut costs and become more efficient. This guide to VoIP from SmallBusiness.co.uk and purchasing adviser Indirectchannel explains how using voice over internet protocol (VoIP) can save money.


Turn business leads into sales

British businesses spend millions of pounds every year on various marketing tools including advertising, direct mail, exhibitions and PR, but it’s just as important to follow up the enquiries and know where they came from, as it is to obtain them in the first place.

Sole trader

Register as a sole trader

How can you begin to nurture a small business? How do you register as a sole trader and where can you get the necessary forms?


Design support for London’s small business

The London Development Agency (LDA) has announced a £3.5 million design support programme for London's small businesses.


SMEs growth down under Labour

The rate of growth of SMEs in the UK has deteriorated under Labour leadership, according to a report commissioned by the Conservative party.

Legal advice

Grievance and disciplinary procedures note taking

At an employee complaint hearing, handwritten notes were made by us and then transcribed. The original notes were shredded by our HR manager and the employee has now indicated that we have broken the data protection act and is going to make a complaint. Is he right?

Government Grants

Government grants

How and where can I get information on government grants?

Work life balance

Balance home and work life

Most of us have suffered from some form of stress at some point trying to balance home and work life. Learning to identify the symptoms is a good starting point and these tips from SmallBusiness.co.uk and BUPA offer some practical advice.

Legal advice

Employee holidays

I applied for and was granted 10 days holiday from 2nd July until 13th July. I was taken ill on 28th June and my GP requested that I do not return to work until 23rd July. Can I re-take my 10 days holiday at a later date?